I'M VERY NEW to analog / film photography. I'm planning a trip to New Mexico in October, and want to take my Pinstra and photo paper (in a changing bag) with me. Are there any issues I should know about with taking unexposed and exposed photo paper (on my return) on the plane with me?
I assume that I don't want to 'expose' the photo paper to extreme heat, though some warmth is unavoidable.
I took my very new Pinstra to California with me a few months, both checking and carrying on the photo paper. When I returned home I developed my 20 or so images and most of them were failures: not just over or under exposed (which I was expecting), but there were almost no images at all (many completely dark or white)!
I strongly suspect the photo paper was unintentionally exposed to light at some point. But if there are other travel concerns, issues, tips ... I'd love to know about them.
Best, David.
I found this: https://www.ilfordphoto.ca/faq/. It looks like the paper is okay with carry-on scanners but not checked luggage
There could be a number of issues, both exposure related, and development related. Extreme heat would not affect the image to that extent, you'd most likely get a mottled effect on the print.
How are you metering light?
What type of developer is it, and how long are you developing for?
Do you know the dilution and temperature of the dev?
The age and condition of the developer is a consideration, do you reuse the developer?