Hello everyone,
I have been working on a method of taking and processing full colour pinhole photographs in the Pinsta, and wanted to share some results:
This print is made on RA4 colour darkroom paper, "reversal" processed to give positive colours, rather than to create a negative image.
It's not a difficult procedure, and can be done using the normal Pinsta syringes. In actual fact, the "magic" part where the colour is added can be done with the lid off the tank, so you get to watch it appear!
I'll put together a how-to soon, but if you can make a black and white paper image in a Pinsta, you can do it in colour. The colours may not be perfect, but who shoots a pinhole camera looking for perfection? ;o)
Hi Dave.
Love the idea of shooting color with my Pinsta.
Any info u can share on how to pull the feat off?
This is so awesome Dave! I'm expecting all my bits to arrive today to try this out. Colour in a Pinsta... Can't wait to have a go.