I have used the Pinsta pinhole camera successfully about a year ago. I recently picked it pack up and cannot seem to get any images even varying the exposure times seems to produce no image. I use illford multigrade developer and illford rapid fixer. These chemicals worked in the past and they are newly bought. Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought my camera might have some light leaks but I do not know where this could occur.
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That's strange. To get a totally blank image would be unusual, but could be caused by:
Massive overexposure to light - is it possible your paper has been taken out of the dark bag in daylight?
Totally expired developer - you say yours is brand new. If you tear off a corner of a sheet of Direct Positive in the dark and dunk it directly into your developer (still in the dark), does it turn black? If you take another corner, expose it to light and develop it, does it go white? Do you have any other paper you could test it with, in case your paper has been fogged?
Accidentally putting the fixer in first.... yeah, I've done it.
Those are the only ways I can think of. Short of a huge hole in your Pinsta, light leaks would just look like a flare across your image, rather than no image at all.
Can you share any more details?